Laurie Rubel
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Learning and Instructional Sciences in the Faculty of Education of the University of Haifa.
My primary research interests focus on teacher education and in particular, sociocultural contexts of teaching and learning mathematics. I use equity lenses to study areas like language and culture in mathematics education, mathematical thinking in and out of school, real-world contexts in the teaching of mathematics, gender and mathematics teaching and learning, data science education, and teaching mathematics for spatial justice.
You can find me on: Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Twitter
Recent publications:
Rubel, L. & Shahbari, J. Unpacking the Gender Equality Paradox: Narratives about mathematics and gender among teachers in Israel. Research in Mathematics Education. DOI: 10.1080/14794802.2024.2435016
Lim, V.Y., Peralta, L.M.M., Rubel, L.H. et al. (2023), Keeping pace with innovations in data visualizations: A commentary for mathematics education in times of crisis. ZDM Mathematics Education, 55, 109-118.
Kahn, J. B., Peralta, L. M., Rubel, L. H., Lim, V. Y., Jiang, S., & Herbel-Eisenmann, B. (2022). Notice, Wonder, Feel, Act, and Reimagine as a path toward social justice in data science education. Educational Technology & Society, 25(4).
Rubel, L., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., Peralta, M.L., Lim, V., Jiang, S., Kahn, J. (2022). Intersectional feminism to reenvision mathematical literacies & precarity. Research in Mathematics Education, 24(2), 224-248.
Rubel, L., Ayalon, M. & Shahbari, J. (2022). Sequencing & selecting solutions in a gendered world. Mathematical Thinking & Learning.
Ayalon, M. & Rubel, L. (2022). Selecting and sequencing for a whole-class discussion: Teachers’ considerations. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 6.
Rubel, L., Nicol, C. & Chronaki, A. (2021). A critical mathematics perspective on reading data visualizations: reimagining through reformatting, reframing, and renarrating. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
Rubel, L. & McCloskey, A. (2021). Contextualization of mathematics: Which and whose world? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 107, 383-404.
Department of Learning and Instructional Sciences
Faculty of Education
University of Haifa
199 Aba Khoushy Ave., Mount Carmel, Haifa, 3498838, Israel
Room 513, Education and Sciences Building